Project Maps and Facilities

CVWD’s existing groundwater production wells would be used to extract the purified water back out of the groundwater basin for use in the drinking water supply.

Carpinteria Advanced Purification Project includes construction of:
  • An Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF)
  • A pump station
  • 12-inch pipeline to deliver the purified water to
  • Two groundwater injection wells
  • Up to six new monitoring wells
  • Minor modifications to Carpinteria Sanitary District’s existing ocean outfall
A map of the project and its features: Carpinteria Wastewater Treatment Plant located near the ocean and the Advanced Water Purification Facility Site on the same property; a primary pipeline alignment that runs from the Purification Facility across town and under the freeway to spreading grounds; an alternative pipeline alighment with various paths through town; potential monitoring well area, potential injection well; Carpinteria Creek that runs alongside the Advanced Water Purification Facility; and an existing ocean outfall.

Reports and Studies

Project Design and Engineering

Coming soon


Economic Benefit Analysis

Coming Soon