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Vendor Requirements

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  5. Vendors Requirements

CVWD is committed to maintaining a fair and open purchasing process for both the District and its vendors while striving to obtain the best possible products and services for the District in a financially prudent manner. For questions on any of the topics below, you can contact the District at 805-684-2816 or email:

All new vendors are required to fill out a New Vendor form and a W-9 and email to CVWD.AP@CVWD.NET and to review our terms and conditions.

Submitting Invoices

Submit invoices via e-mail to CVWD.AP@CVWD.NET or mail to: Accounts Payable, Carpinteria Valley Water District, 1301 Santa Ynez Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93001. Failure to comply WILL delay payment. Payment of invoices with discrepancies will be delayed until corrected or approved as amended by the Accounting Department. All invoices received for goods or services must require payment to supplier specified on purchase order. Carpinteria Valley Water District WILL NOT accept any invoices requiring payment to a second party.

Insurance Requirements

Purchase Orders resulting in work at any District facility require the Seller to file certificates of Commercial General Liability Insurance, Automobile Liability Insurance, Worker’s Compensation Insurance, and Professional Liability Insurance. Certificates shall be filed with Carpinteria Valley Water District prior to work commencing.

Prevailing Wage

California’s Prevailing Wage Law, codified at California Labor Code sections 1720 et seq., provides that contractors and subcontractors performing work on state, municipal or local public works projects with a value of over $1,000 pay their workers not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed as set by the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”).