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Employment Opportunity

The District currently has an open position for an Accounting Technician II. Click here to be routed to the District’s Employment web page for a description of the open position and information on how to apply.

Water District Secures Grants and Moves Into Final Design and Permitting Phase of the Carpinteria Advanced Purification Project (CAPP) – CVN Article Nov. 17, 2022

The Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) and Carpinteria Sanitary District (CSD) have partnered to develop an advanced water purification facility which will create a drought-resilient water supply for our service area. It is evident that the District’s existing water supply portfolio is extremely vulnerable during periods of prolonged drought. Lake Cachuma is below 32% of […]

CVWD Board Declares Stage 3 Drought Condition

CVWD is projecting a potential 30% water supply shortage if drought continues! As a result, CVWD Board of Directors approved Ordinance 22-1 declaring Stage 3 drought condition and new watering restrictions on November 9, 2022. For a summary of the Stage 3 water regulations/restrictions, click here.

Emergency Water Service Shut-down and Repair – Cramer Rd

November 14, 2022, 4:00 p.m. Update: Water Service has been restored. Customers near the 1000 block of Cramer Rd and 4500 block of Carpinteria Ave may experience temporary water service interruption due to an emergency shut-down and service repair. The CVWD crew will make every effort to minimize the time the water is off. We […]

Request for Proposals for Design and Construction Services for CAPP

The Carpinteria Valley Water District and Carpinteria Sanitary District are excited to take the next step in implementing the Carpinteria Advanced Purification Project (CAPP) with the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Design and Construction Services for CAPP.

Employment Opportunity

The District currently has an open position for a Water Utility Worker 1 or Water Utility Helper and Accountant. Click here to be routed to the District’s Employment web page for a description of the open position and information on how to apply.

NEW! Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program

The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) provides one-time payments to low-income households that are eligible for assistance. The size of a benefit can vary depending on the past due balance of the household’s residential water and wastewater bills. In addition, program participation is limited to households receiving services from water and wastewater providers enrolled in […]

District Elections

Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) has three Board of Directors seats up for election this November in the General Election. The General Election ballot will include districts 1, 3 and 5. If you are interested in running for any of these seats, please contact CVWD for more information at 805- 684-2816 ext. 123 or check […]