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How Modernizing Infrastructure Can Help to Capture More Storm Flow – Special Article from California Department of Water Resources

The series of atmospheric river storms that brought record-breaking amounts of rain and snow in January had many Californians asking if our existing water infrastructure is able to capture and store flows from these extreme weather events. With climate change resulting in stronger storms carrying more water and the possibility of major flooding, the answer is more complicated than one might think. “As the world gets warmer as a result of climate change, we see a change in the distribution of rain and snow,” said State Climatologist Michael Anderson. “This results in more runoff during the storm event itself, potentially creating a flood hazard and leaving less to run off from the snowpack in the spring for storage in our reservoirs.” Whether it falls as rain or snow, the majority of that water flows through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta – the center of California’s water distribution system – on its way to the San Francisco Bay. From state and federal pumping facilities in the south Delta, water is lifted into the aqueducts that carry it to the Bay Area, Central Coast, Central Valley and Southern California, to be delivered to 27 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland. Regulations govern how much water may be diverted to the aqueducts in order to protect water quality and fisheries. These regulations are based in part on the physical location of the facilities. The Delta Conveyance Project is a proposed infrastructure modernization project outlined in Governor Newsom’s strategy to adapt California’s water supply for a hotter and drier future. The project is an essential climate adaptation strategy that will help adapt to climate change and aid in ensuring the State Water Project can capture, move and store water during extreme weather events like the nine atmospheric rivers experienced in January. For example, if the Delta Conveyance Project had been operational during the high rain events of January this year, the modernized conveyance system could have moved 228,000 acre-feet of water into San Luis Reservoir while still meeting fishery and water quality protections and regulations. That’s enough water to supply about 2.3 million people for an entire year and is equivalent to approximately 40 percent of the total State Water Project exports in water year 2022. As encouraging as the recent rainfall and snowpack statistics are, state water managers note that drought conditions persist and it will take years to replenish groundwater basins. While the winter season has been positive, the most important measurement of the year will be April 1 when the snowpack is typically at its highest. “These storms made clear the importance of our efforts to modernize our existing water infrastructure for an era of intensified drought and flood,” said DWR Director Karla Nemeth. “What we need to be positioned to do in California is move water when it’s available because moving and storing that water is going to help California weather longer and deeper droughts.” Climate Change Fact Sheet DCP Overview March Update SWP Santa Barbara Fact Sheet  

Governor Eases Drought Restrictions

On Friday, March 24, 2023, Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-5-23 rolling back some drought emergency restrictions but maintaining others. The recent rain storms have helped ease drought conditions for a majority of the state but there are still some regions and communities experiencing water supply shortages, especially those that rely heavily on groundwater supplies which have been severely depleted during the drought. The state also announced an anticipated increase in state water allocations from 35% to 75% allocation. Listed below are the restrictions that have ended and those that remain with the implementation of EO N-5-23. • Ends the voluntary 15% water conservation target, while continuing to encourage that Californians make conservation a way of life; • Ends the requirement that local water agencies implement level 2 of their drought contingency plans; • Maintains the ban on wasteful water uses, such as watering ornamental grass on commercial properties; • Preserves all current emergency orders focused on groundwater supply, where the effects of the multi-year drought continue to be devastating; • Maintains orders focused on specific watersheds that have not benefited as much from recent rains, including the Klamath River and Colorado River basins, which both remain in drought; • Retains a state of emergency for all 58 counties to allow for drought response and recovery efforts to continue. The District anticipates moving from Stage 3 to Stage 1 Drought Condition by the end of April 2023.

Emergency Water Service Shut-down and Repair – 5200 Block Cambridge Lane

Update: March 16, 2023, 12:53 p.m. CVWD has determined water seeping up from the ground is artesian groundwater. March 16, 2023, 12:20 p.m. Customers in the 5200 block of Cambridge Lane may experience water service interruption due to an emergency shut-down and service repair. Expected shut-down time is approximately four (4) hours.  The CVWD crew will make every effort to minimize the time the water is off. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

South Coast Conduit Structure Rehabilitation – Carpinteria Section

During the week of March 13-17, 2023, a critical pipeline rehabilitation project will be performed on the Carpinteria section of the South Coast Conduit (SCC). The high-pressure concrete pipeline was installed in the early 1950s and is the main water supply pipeline for Carpinteria; bringing Lake Cachuma water a distance of over 26 miles. The SCC and other Cachuma Project facilities are owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and managed by Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board (COMB). COMB and CVWD are partnered agencies overseeing the rehabilitation project. The Carpinteria section of the SCC will be down while the rehabilitation project is in progress affecting approximately thirty customers from 3100 to 3700 of Foothill Rd. To continue providing water service to the affected properties, the Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) will be installing a temporary above ground pipeline, or “highline”, to convey water from another part of our distribution system. There will be prep work and follow-up work approximately one week before and one week after the shutdown. It is possible that affected customers may experience fluctuations in pressure due to the length and diameter of the highline. The District kindly requests that customers avoid any heavy water consumption or crop irrigation be performed either before or after the week of March 13 to 17. Doing so will allow adequate pressure for all customers. Please contact Field Engineering Technician, Spencer Seale if you have any questions about the upcoming activities.

Local Drought Relief: January Rainstorms Reduce Stress on Surface Water Resources – CVN Article Feb. 16, 2023

This January, Carpinteria received over 9 inches of rain over the course of several winter storms. On January 10th alone, we received over 3 inches. To put things into perspective: in 2022, over the course of the entire calendar year, the rain gauge at the Carpinteria Fire Station received 6.6 inches of rain in total. In the first month of this year, we received 146% of our entire rainfall for last year. These rain events allowed California’s thirsty landscapes to become saturated and quickly increased water levels at reservoirs throughout the state. January’s rain has helped to recover statewide systems from the previous three years of very dry weather; however, the drought is far from over. Drought recovery will take years of above average rainfall to ensure that groundwater basins and watersheds are fully recharged. From a water supply planning perspective, we must continue to look several years into the future when managing water supplies and be prepared for more periods of prolonged drought based on what we have experienced over the last several decades. Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) is in a much better position with Lake Cachuma at 99% of its capacity at the time of this writing. In addition, State Water Project (SWP) reservoirs have increased to above average levels. Lake Oroville, one of the SWP’s key reservoirs, is at around 67% of its capacity at the time of this writing, which is 113% of its historical average for this time in the winter season. Although two of the water sources that we depend on, Lake Cachuma and the SWP, have a better outlook after this winter, the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin (CGB) needs several wet winters to recover. One wet month will not do much to increase our aquifer levels. Groundwater replenishment depends on steady rainfall over time. It is important to recognize that continuing to use water efficiently and saving water wherever possible will help speed up the drought recovery and allow us to be prepared for the future. It is unknown how much precipitation we will receive over the next few winters, and we must make the water that we currently have access to last as long as possible. One great tool that the District provides to help customers monitor their water use is the free EyeOnWater tool available online. Customers can sign up at, view their daily and hourly water consumption, and set up e-mail or text notifications to let them know if their water meter is unexpectedly running for 24 hours straight with no 15 minute break in water use. The District is focusing on securing and protecting our water resources for the future through a number of different projects. These include the development of the Carpinteria Advanced Purification Project (CAPP), complying with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and creating a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), establishing water allocations for each parcel within our jurisdiction, and designing an intertie project to work with other local agencies to find win-win solutions that improve water supply reliability. CAPP will allow for the creation of a locally controlled and drought-proof water supply for the Carpinteria Valley. Through the creation of a GSP we are engaging local stakeholders and discussing ways that we can monitor and manage our shared groundwater resources. Establishing water allocations for each property will help us to meet California’s urban water use efficiency standards, ensure customers are using water efficiently, and limit wasteful water practices. The intertie project will allow for agencies to assist each other in the event of an emergency and allow access to and conveyance from additional water sources. For more information on SGMA and the creation of Carpinteria Groundwater Basin’s GSP, visit We invite you to attend our fifth Community Workshop on March 15th at Carpinteria Lions Club from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. To learn more and stay up to date on CAPP, visit Both websites allow for you to sign up for e-mail updates to monitor project progress. We hope that you will continue to use water wisely. The District continues to offer rebates for residential and commercial customers for water conservation fixtures and appliances as well as rebates on WaterWise Landscape upgrades. If you are looking for a winter or spring project, you can get some financial assistance with transforming your lawn and replacing it with native and low water use plants. E-mail for additional information. For District updates, please visit our website, follow us on twitter @CarpWater, or Carpinteria Valley Water District on Facebook and Nextdoor.

Employment Opportunity

The District currently has two open positions, Field Technician-Customer Service and Accounting Technician II. Click here to be routed to the District’s Employment web page for a description of the open position and information on how to apply.

Lake Cachuma Expected to Fill

Santa Barbara County officials expect Lake Cachuma to fill and potentially spill by this weekend.  Lake Cachuma levels rose by approximately 34 feet during this last storm and will likely continue to rise as the lake receives additional inflow over the next few days. View Santa Barbara County's Lake Cachuma Watershed Dashboard for up-to-date information on lake levels and storage capacity. For more information on Lake Cachuma's filling and possibly spilling, read Noozhawk's article "Lake Cachuma Expected to Fill and Spill in Wake of Major Storms"

MLK Holiday Schedule

The District will be closed on Monday, January 16, 2023 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr Holiday. For water emergencies, call 805-684-2816. The District staff has on-call personnel that will respond to water emergencies.

Holiday Schedule

The District will be closed on the following dates: December 26, 2022, December 30, 2022 and January 2, 2023. For water emergencies, call 805-684-2816. The District staff has on-call personnel that will respond to water emergencies.