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Notice of Adoption: Ordinance 24-4

Ordinance 24-4 requires individuals to exhaust administrative remedies before pursuing any legal challenges related to the Carpinteria Valley Water District's (CVWD) fees, charges, or assessments on real property, including the methodologies used to develop them. This means that anyone wishing to contest these fees or assessments must first submit a written objection to the District, clearly outlining the specific grounds for alleging noncompliance with applicable laws. Any subsequent judicial action is restricted to the issues raised in a written objection, unless a court determines that the issue could not have been reasonably identified during the objection process. Under this ordinance, the District is required to follow a detailed process to ensure transparency and public participation when adopting new or amending existing fees and charges. First, it must notify the public by making the basis for proposed fees, charges, or assessments available at least 45 days before the deadline for objections. Additionally, the District must provide supporting documents, such as cost analyses or engineer reports, online and by mail upon request. The notice of the public hearing must include clear instructions for submitting objections, with a bolded statement emphasizing that failing to submit a written objection will bar any future court challenges. Property owners are allowed to submit written objections up until the close of the public comment period during the hearing. The Board is obligated to respond in writing to all timely objections and, based on the feedback, may choose to adjust, reduce, or abandon the proposal. Ultimately, the Board must determine whether changes to the proposal are warranted or if it should proceed as originally planned. A full copy of the ordinance can be found on the District’s website at or can be provided upon request.

Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance 24-4

Ordinance 24-4 requires individuals to exhaust administrative remedies before pursuing any legal challenges related to the Carpinteria Valley Water District's (CVWD) fees, charges, or assessments on real property, including the methodologies used to develop them. This means that anyone wishing to contest these fees or assessments must first submit a written objection to the District, clearly outlining the specific grounds for alleging noncompliance with applicable laws. Any subsequent judicial action is restricted to the issues raised in a written objection, unless a court determines that the issue could not have been reasonably identified during the objection process. Under this ordinance, the District is required to follow a detailed process to ensure transparency and public participation when adopting new or amending existing fees and charges. First, it must notify the public by making the basis for proposed fees, charges, or assessments available at least 45 days before the deadline for objections. Additionally, the District must provide supporting documents, such as cost analyses or engineer reports, online and by mail upon request. The notice of the public hearing must include clear instructions for submitting objections, with a bolded statement emphasizing that failing to submit a written objection will bar any future court challenges. Property owners are allowed to submit written objections up until the close of the public comment period during the hearing. The Board is obligated to respond in writing to all timely objections and, based on the feedback, may choose to adjust, reduce, or abandon the proposal. Ultimately, the Board must determine whether changes to the proposal are warranted or if it should proceed as originally planned. A full copy of the draft ordinance can be found on the District’s website at or can be provided upon request.

Notice Inviting Bids – CAPP Potholing Services

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CARPINTERIA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (CVWD), invites sealed bids for POTHOLING SERVICES FOR THE CARPINTERIA ADVANCED PURIFICATION PROJECT (Project or Work) and will receive such bids by email to up to the hour of 2:00 pm, on October 12, 2023. The Board intends to solicit proposals or bids from contractors qualified to perform the necessary Work and satisfactorily and timely complete the Project, and to make an award to the lowest responsible, responsive proposer. Click here for more information about the project and the complete NIB package.  

Notice of Public Hearing Regarding the Intent to Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Ventura-Santa Barbara Counties Intertie Project

Project Description: The Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) and Casitas Municipal Water District propose to construct and operate an intertie pipeline with pumping and treatment facilities between the two districts. The Project will improve regional water supply reliability for both agencies. Ventura and Santa Barbara counties are susceptible to natural disasters such as wildfires, landslides, and earthquakes which can lead to water supply outages. The project would allow Casitas and Santa Barbara County water purveyors to transfer local potable water supplies in either direction, as necessary. In addition, the project would provide Casitas with a means of accessing its State Water Project water allocations to supplement existing supplies resulting in a more resilient water supply portfolio. The proposed project would not be utilized to increase the amount of water currently being supplied to existing customers or to provide water to areas currently not serviced by Casitas or Carpinteria Valley Water District. Project Location: The project site is located in the unincorporated southwestern portion of Ventura County and the unincorporated southeastern portion of Santa Barbara County and is approximately 0.3 mile east of the City of Carpinteria boundary. The project site traverses State Route (SR) 192 and SR 150, both of which are under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Pipeline would be constructed running from Lake Jocelyn southwest along SR192 across SR 150 into farmland within Ventura County where it will tie into the Rincon Pipeline operated by Casitas Municipal Water Public Comment:  The CVWD is soliciting comments on the adequacy and completeness of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND).  You may comment by submitting written or oral comments to the CVWD prior to the close of the public comment period. Comments should be provided to the CVWD General Manager, Bob McDonald at 1301 Santa Ynez Avenue, Carpinteria, (805) 684-2816, prior to the close of the public comment period on August 9, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. CVWD will hold a public hearing at its regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 9, 2023 at 5:30 PM located at CARPINTERIA CITY HALL, 5775 CARPINTERIA AVE, CARPINTERIA, CA 93013. Project Details:  The project involves the construction and operation of potable water infrastructure to connect the Casitas and Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) water transmission systems. The proposed project includes approximately 7,100 linear feet (LF; 1.3 miles) of new 16-inch-diameter potable water pipeline, two new booster pump stations, replacement of select portions of the existing Rincon Main, and improvements to infrastructure at other existing Casitas facilities. The pipeline would traverse the boundary between Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and act as a two-way intertie to allow the transfer of water between Casitas and CVWD, as necessary. Environmental Review Findings: The CMWD has prepared and adopted an MND pursuant to Section 15073 of the State Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Document Availability: The MND may be reviewed by visiting the CMWD’s website at or a hard copy can be reviewed at the CVWD District Offices at 1301 Santa Ynez Ave. Click here for pdf of notice.

Notice Inviting Sealed Bids – El Carro Well #2 Rehabilitation Project

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Carpinteria Groundwater Sustainability Agency, 1301 Santa Ynez Ave., Carpinteria, California, 93013, until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, July 28, 2023, at which time they shall be publicly opened and read for performing work associated with the subject project as follows:
  • Removal of existing pump assembly
  • Inspection and assessment of pumping equipment
  • Pre-rehabilitation video surveying
  • Nylon brushing the well screen
  • Bailing the well to bottom
  • Installation of tanks, piping, and treatment system for discharge water
  • Pre-chemical development by airlift/swabbing with dual swab
  • Chemical treatment
  • Agitation by swabbing
  • Post-chemical development by airlift/swabbing with dual swab
  • Installation of test pump
  • Development via pumping and surging
  • Post-rehabilitation pumping tests
  • Well disinfection
  • Post-rehabilitation video surveying
  • Reinstallation of City’s pump assembly
Any bids received after the deadline for bid submittal shall be returned unopened. A pre-bid meeting will be held on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 10:30 am at the El Carro Well Site and Treatment Facility, in El Carro Park, at 5300 El Carro Lane, in the City of Carpinteria. Every Contractor intending to bid on the project (or his designated representative) is invited to attend the pre-bid meeting. This work shall be done in accordance with the Specifications therefore adopted, to which special reference is hereby made.  The Contractor shall furnish all labor, supplies, equipment, and services required to perform the work, except as expressly stated in the Construction Specifications.  The Contractor shall hold a valid C-57 Drilling Contractor License and/or C-61/D-21 California Contractor's License issued by the State of California. Specifications and bid forms may be secured at no charge from the District office located at 1301 Santa Ynez Avenue, Carpinteria, California, 93013.  For further information, please contact Greg Stanford, District Operations and Maintenance Manager, at (805) 684-2816, extension 114. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bid or in the bidding.  No bidder shall withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date set by the District for the opening thereof. Work will not begin until the District Board of Directors has authorized a contract for this work.  Notice of Contract Award is tentatively planned to be issued on Friday, August 11, 2023.  The successful bidder must submit all required contract and insurance paperwork within seven (7) consecutive calendar days from the Notice of Contract Award.  The project’s construction period shall be forty-five (45) calendar days.  The District expects to issue a Notice-to-Proceed on or about Friday, August 18, 2023.  The Notice-to-Proceed will identify an “effective start date”, which shall be the date the Contractor is authorized to begin work and shall be the start of the six (6) week period.  The effective start date is anticipated to be on or about Monday, August 28, 2023.  The District expects to have the well back in operation by Monday, October 9, 2023. Click here for the complete NISB package, technical specifications, technical specification figures and printer friendly version of Notice to Bid Invite.      

Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Increases in Rates and Charges

The Board of Directors of the Carpinteria Valley Water District will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. to consider increases in its Rates and Charges. The public hearing will be held at Carpinteria City Hall Council Chambers, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria, CA 93013.  To view the Prop. 218 Public Hearing Notice with the proposed rates and charges increases, click here.

Next Steps Toward Protecting Carpinteria Groundwater Basin for Long-Term Sustainability

Public Invited to Provide Input on Proposed Groundwater Fee Groundwater is a vital component of our local water supply portfolio, especially as naturally occurring water supplies are drying up due to drought, climate fluctuations and increased competition for all water resources in the state. Locally, the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin is designated as a “high priority Basin” by the California Department of Water Resources under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014. As a result, the Carpinteria Groundwater Sustainability Agency (CGSA; Agency) was formed in 2020 to ensure long-term sustainable use through monitoring, planning, and oversight of the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin. The Agency is required to develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) by 2024 and begin implementation of the GSP thereafter. The Agency currently is operating on loans and cannot continue without establishing a revenue source to support ongoing GSA operations and administration. A rate study to help develop a fair and equitable cost recovery fee for properties that sit atop the basin is in development. The public is invited to learn more and provide input before the CGSA Board of Directors considers a fee proposal at its public hearing on June 22. Two community meetings are planned in May and June as noted below. Community Meeting - Virtual Zoom/Phone 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26 Zoom link: By phone: (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 861 3747 2148 Passcode: 223939 Community Meeting - In Person 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 14 Lion's Park 6197 Casitas Pass Rd., Carpinteria 93013 Click here to view News Release Haga clic aquí para ver el comunicado de prensa en español

Notice Inviting Bids – El Carro Park Monitoring Wells Project

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Carpinteria Groundwater Sustainability Agency, 1301 Santa Ynez Ave., Carpinteria, California  93013, until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, June 17, 2022, at which time they shall be publicly opened and read for the drilling and construction of a cluster of three groundwater monitoring wells within the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin (CGB). A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Monday, May 23, 2022 at 10:30 am at El Carro Park, in the City of Carpinteria. Every contractor intending to bid on the project (or his designated representative) must attend the pre-bid meeting.  Bids submitted by contractors not attending the pre-bid meeting will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened. Click here for the complete NIB package.  

Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Increases in Rates and Charges

The Board of Directors of the Carpinteria Valley Water District will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. to consider increases in its Rates and Charges. The public hearing will be held at Carpinteria City Hall Council Chambers, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria, CA 93013.  To view the Prop. 218 Public Hearing Notice with the proposed rates and charges increases, click here.

Revised Map for Public Hearing Considering the Redistricting of Board of Directors Electoral District Boundaries. Public Hearing Considering the Redistricting of Board of Directors Electoral District Boundaries.

The Board of Directors of the Carpinteria Valley Water District will hold a second public hearing on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. to consider the revised map drafted after the initial public hearing held on April 6, 2022. The maps show redistricting boundaries of the five by-district divisions established in August 2020. The boundaries of each of the five divisions was established prior to 2020 Census data availability. Due to the updated Census data, the previously adopted by-district map is no longer applicable and a new redistricting map will need to be considered, approved, and adopted by the Board. The revised proposed redistricting maps, overview and detail, are attached. The public hearing will be at 5:30 pm at the CVWD Board Room, located at 1301 Santa Ynez Ave, Carpinteria CA, 93013 and by teleconference (Zoom Meeting). Live and recorded broadcasts will be available to watch on the District Website at Covid-19 restrictions may apply to in-person meeting attendance. Check the Board Agenda, available on the District’s website, a week prior to the hearing date for details about the meeting. View the Notice of Public Hearing, at View the revised maps here.