Por este medio se notifica que la Junta Directiva del Distrito del Agua del Valle de Carpinteria (CVWD) considerará la redistribución (redistritación) de los límites de las cinco divisiones por distrito establecidas en agosto de 2020 con la adopción de la
Resolución 1083. Los límites de cada una de las cinco divisiones se establecieron antes de que los datos del Censo del 2020 estuvieran disponibles. Debido a la actualización de los datos del censo, el mapa por distrito adoptado anteriormente ya no es aplicable y la Junta deberá considerar, aprobar y adoptar un nuevo mapa de redistribución de los distritos. Vea el mapa de redistribución de distritos propuesto
El Distrito tendrá audiencias públicas en las fechas siguientes para recibir los comentarios del público en cuanto al mapa de redistribución de distritos:
Miércoles 6 de abril de 2022
Miércoles 13 de abril de 2022
Las reuniones tendrán lugar a las 5:30 PM en la Sala de Juntas de CVWD en 1301 Santa Ynez Ave, Carpinteria CA, 93013 y por teleconferencia (Reunión virtual vía Zoom). Las transmisiones en vivo y grabadas estarán disponibles en el sitio web del Distrito en www.cvwd.net. Puede que existan restricciones por Covid-19 para la asistencia en persona a la reunión. Consulte la Agenda de la Junta, disponible en el sitio web del Distrito, una semana antes de la fecha de la audiencia para conocer más detalles sobre la reunión. Vea el Aviso de Audiencias Públicas
The Board of Directors of the Carpinteria Valley Water District will hold Public Hearings on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 and Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. to consider redistricting boundaries of the five by-district divisions established in August 2020 with the adoption of
Resolution 1083. The boundaries of each of the five divisions was established prior to 2020 Census data availability. Due to the updated Census data, the previously adopted by-district map is no longer applicable and a new redistricting map will need to be considered, approved, and adopted by the Board. View the proposed redistricting map
The public hearings will be at 5:30 pm at the CVWD Board Room, located at 1301 Santa Ynez Ave, Carpinteria CA, 93013 and by teleconference (Zoom Meeting). Live and recorded broadcasts will be available to watch on the District Website at www.cvwd.net. Covid-19 restrictions may apply to in-person meeting attendance. Check the Board Agenda, available on the District’s website, a week prior to the hearing date for details about the meeting. View the Notice of Public Hearing, click
Project Description: The Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) proposes to construct and operate three new groundwater monitoring wells to provide groundwater elevation and water quality data from three different water-bearing zones of the western portion of the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin.
Project Location: The proposed monitoring wells would be located in El Carro Park within the City of Carpinteria, approximately 0.4 miles northeast of the U.S. Highway 101/Linden Avenue interchange.
Public Comment: The CVWD is soliciting comments on the adequacy and completeness of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). You may comment by submitting written or oral comments to the CVWD prior to the close of the public comment period. Comments should be provided to the General Manager, Bob McDonald at 1301 Santa Ynez Avenue, Carpinteria, (805) 684-2816, bob@cvwd.net prior to the close of the public comment period on
January 26th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
Project Details: The three wells would be located about 30 feet apart near the western boundary of El Carro Park. The wells would be completed with a 3-inch diameter well casing, bentonite or cement annular seal, gravel pack within the annulus (area between the borehole and casing) and 3-inch diameter well screen. The tops of the wells would be covered by watertight, locking manholes, approximately 12-inches in diameter, constructed flush with the ground surface. No above-ground structures are proposed. Once constructed, the monitoring wells would be used to monitor the water levels and water quality in the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin.
Environmental Review Findings: The CVWD has prepared a Draft MND pursuant to Section 15073 of the State Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Document Availability: The Draft MND may be reviewed by clicking
here or a hard copy can be reviewed at the District Offices at 1301 Santa Ynez Ave or Carpinteria Branch Library at 5141 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria, CA.
View this notice in pdf format by clicking
here NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 5:30 pm on October 27, 2021 the Board of Directors of the Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) will conduct a public hearing pursuant to California Water Code sections 10642 and 10608.26 to consider community comments and input on the Carpinteria Valley Water District Water 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) and Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP). Due to the current COVID emergency, the public hearing will be conducted via video conference. Information on how to participate in or observe the meeting will be detailed in the meeting Agenda, which will be published/posted on October 22, 2021, and available online at
The Draft UWMP and WSCP will be made available for public review online at
www.cvwd.net starting on October 13, 2021. The draft UWMP has been developed in accordance with the California Urban Water Management Planning Act, Water Code sections 10610 through 10656, as well as the Water Conservation Act of 2009, Water Code sections 10608 through 10608.64. Public input from diverse social, cultural, and economic elements of the population is encouraged and is an important part of the 2020 UWMP and WSCP update process.
Written comments may be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 to the attention of Bob McDonald, General Manager, at 1301 Santa Ynez Ave, Carpinteria, CA 93013 or to
bob@cvwd.net. Verbal comments can also be made at the hearing noted above. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board of Directors may revise, change, modify, and/or recommend adoption of the 2020 UWMP and WSCP. The Plans will be considered for adoption at the October 27, 2021 public meeting, immediately following the public hearing.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are disabled and need accommodation to participate in the public hearing, please contact Lisa Silva, at (805) 684-2816 for assistance at least 3 working days before the hearing.
Update: September 21, 2021
Notice is hereby given that the Carpinteria Valley Water District Board of Directors will consider adopting Ordinance 21-1 declaring a Stage Two Drought Condition at their regular Board meeting on October 13, 2021 beginning at 5:30 pm.
Due to the current COVID emergency, the public hearing will be conducted via video conference. Information on how to participate in or observe the meeting will be detailed in the meeting Agenda, published on October 8, 2021, and available online at
You are encouraged to participate in this discussion by submitting your comments to Drought@cvwd.net, or by letter to “Drought Comment, 1301 Santa Ynez Ave, Carpinteria CA 93013.” You may also participate by making comment during the public hearing through the eComment function found on the website,
http://cvwd.net/board/meetings.htm held during the regular Board Meeting on October 13
th, 2021.
View Draft Ordinance 21-1
For additional information on this matter, please contact General Manager Robert McDonald at (805) 263-4826 or Bob@cvwd.net
The Board of Directors of the Carpinteria Valley Water District will hold a
Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. to consider increases in its Rates and Charges. The public hearing will be a virtual Tele-meeting. Visit
www.cvwd.net for meeting login information. To view the Prop. 218 Public Hearing Notice with the proposed rates and charges increases, click